About | Motaz Dwidar

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معنز ممدوح محمد دويدار ولد بـ مصر/الجيزة بمنطقة الهرم , من مواليد 9/4/1999 ممثل خاص ومستقل علي شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي واليوتيوب
بدأ التمثيل منذ الرابعة عشر (14) من عمره
يصنع فيديوهات وافلام ومقاطع قصيرة باخراجه وتصويره ومونتاجه بدون مساعدة من اي شخص
بهدف ابتسامة الناس.

Motaz Mamdouh Mohamed Dwidar. 16 Years old. Egyptian Actor
he made Videos, Movies and Short Movies
& he made videos by himself without helping others

and the finishes of his videos had liked by his fans
he tried to make more than videos ideas but he fails and somebody don't like his videos
then his fans loves all his videos from these time.